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Case Studies

GWD40 Assists in the Completion of a 40 Well project at a Coal Mine in Poland Saving $665,000

OmegaX Saves Operator 15 Hours of Rig Time and $28,000

GeoGuide Saves Operator $250,000 by Delivering Fit For Purpose Logging Solutions

GeoGuide Delivers Cased Hole Logs Twice as Fast in the Williston Basin

GyroGuide GWD 70 Reduces the Ellipse of Uncertainty by 75% in Brazil

OmegaX Survey in Utica Shale, Ohio Saves 36-hour Round Trip

GyroGuide Corrects Borehole Location by 28.44 Meters, Saving Rig Days in the Vaca Muerta

GyroGuide Reduces the Ellipse of Uncertainty by 80% in an East/West Well in Cameroon

GyroGuide GWD 90 Accurately Place High Angle Wellbore in Thailand