be_ixf;ym_202502 d_24; ct_50

Case Studies

Unmanned GWD System Provides Operator With Economic Solution to Highangle Anti-Collision Risk

GyroGuide Helps Operator Achieve Directional Objectives in Challenging Permian Basin Well

Microguide Helps Customer Successfully get Water Pump to Correct Set Depth at Local Plant, Avoiding Excavation of Casing Section

GyroGuide Identifies Azimuth Error in MWD Measurements, Enabling Well Path to be Corrected and Eliminating the Loss of Multiple Horizontal Wells

OmegaX helps Operator Establish True Well Location ahead of EOR Project Offshore Malaysia

Unmanned GWD System Provides Operator with Economic Solution to High-Angle Anti-Collision Risk

Microguide Enables Optimized Rod Guide Design, Saving $50,000 in Repair Expenses and 70 Days Annually in Workover and Lost Production Costs

Microguide Helps Operator in Caspian Region Anticipate Potential Problems while Running Casing and Accurately Calculate Liner Bend

Microguide Identifies Area of Severe Tortuosity at Sidetrack KOP, Eliminating Risk of Stuck Pipe Incidents and Failed Completions

Microguide Identifies Severe Spiraling Well, Enabling Remedial Action and Optimized Future Coiled Tubing Workover Operations

Microguide Eliminates Premature Failures, Saving Operator more than $200,000 in First Year

Microguide Identifies Tortuous Area in Wellbore, Enabling Optimized ESP Placement and Eliminating Premature Equipment Failures