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Case Studies

Microguide Analysis Reveals Tubing Behavior at Different Tension/Compression Values, Enabling Optimized ALS Design

Microguide Reveals Severe Wellbore Tortuosity, Enabling Optimized ESP Placement at new well depth

Microguide Reveals BHA Performance Limitations, Enables optimized ESP Placement in Challenging Well

Geoguide and Microguide Services Help Operator Verify Casing Integrity, Optimize ESP Placement, and Improve Production

Microguide Delivers Optimal ESP Placement Increases Production From 390 to 600 BOPD

Case Study – Remote Operations for unmanned GWD solution

Case Study – Gyro Surveying and GWD Technologies

OmegaX Saves 12 Hours Rig Time and Improves Wellbore Position by 136 Feet in the North Sea

OmegaX Provides Missing MWD Surveys and Reduces Ellipse of Uncertainty by 83% in Utica Shale

Highly Accurate OmegaX Gyro System Correct the Wellbore Bottom Hole Placement by 434 Feet

GWD70 Assists in Saving an Operator 4.4 Days During a Batch Drilling Campaign in Norway

North Sea Operator Utilized GWD40 to Complete 5 OffShore Wells 6.5 Days Ahead of Schedule